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日本とアジアの人びと 草の根交流 (1) // People and Citizens in Japan and Asia and their Grass-Roots Interactions (1)

日本とアジアの人びと 草の根交流 (1) // People and Citizens in Japan and Asia and their Grass-Roots Interactions (1)

日本とアジアの人びと 草の根交流 (1) ― 大学生、インドで学ぶ // People and Citizens in Japan and Asia and their Grass-Roots Interactions (1): University Students' Visits to India, Learning at Local Communities [with English/Japanese subtitles] o O o O o AHIでは、毎年秋に、6週間の国際研修を実施します。「アジア各国で活動を行っているNGOや行政の職員、また住民自身による自立を目指し、組織された住民組織で活動する人たちが集まります。研修の最終週には、具体的な活動計画を立て、それぞれの活動の場へ戻り実行します」。「研修では、AHIの会館で合宿をしながら、それぞれの持つ課題を明確にし、活動地域での健康づくりの経験や課題を共有します」(AHIホームページより)。 この動画では、2007年に国際研修に参加したインドのサンディさん(サンデッシュさん)が、所属するNGO全キリスト教会インド開発センター(EDCI: Ecumenical Development Centre Of India)でかつて受け入れたスタディー・ツアーに大学生時代に参加した白井悠仁さん、松本八束さんとオンラインでつながります。久しぶりにつながりあった3人が、スタディー・ツアーの経験を振りかえります。 EDCIのホームページはこちら! o O o O o In every autumn, AHI organizes International Course on Leadership for Community Health and Development or International Leadership Development Course (ILDC). This course covers six weeks. People working in NGOs, governmental offices and civil organizations which cope with health issues and foster the empowerment of local residents, take part in the course. Each participant illustrates the specific challenges his/her organization faces and addresses so as to share them with other participants. The discussions also move on to the pursuits of effective actions to take in each locality. In this video, three persons give their talks. The first person is Mr. Sandesh Sudhakar at EDCI (Ecumenical Development Centre of India), who joined AHI's ILDC in 2007. The two others are young Japanese who took part in the study-tour conducted by EDCI when they were university students. Through their talks, EDCI's activities are discussed and what was gained from its study-tour is reflected on. Below is the URL of EDCI's homepage:
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